What you are feeling, is your truth.
If the politics of the moment are triggering some very real emotional responses…
know that what you are feeling, is your truth.
Your emotions don’t lie. They are your body’s natural reaction to the world around you.
Today, along with the days, weeks, months, and years ahead will give us plenty of opportunities to explore and heal the buttons within each of us.
When you feel you have no control over what is happening in the world, take a moment to focus on a smaller orbit, and consider you.
What do you need?
What will best support you?
What will ease your nervous system and calm your mind?
What is in your control and what is simply not yours to control?
There are moments in our lives with big emotional impact.
Today might be one of those for you.
Sometimes what we feel, doesn’t seem to match the moment. Like when that seemingly small thing has a huge emotional charge.
This all comes down to what I like to call buttons that become emotional triggers. You see, we all have these buttons, the cores of our unique issues that we carry around with us.
Trauma stacks.
The buttons get more sensitive.
Over time, it can feel like our emotional life has become a bit of a mine field.
Healing the core of an issue, dissolving that button, releases the original emotional charge. This means our feelings can match what is happening in the current moment, not be triggered by what has happened in the past.
6 Steps to Dissolve Emotional Triggers
Notice when a button has been pressed. Simply notice in the moment, what is triggering the biggest emotions for you. Pay attention to when you feel an unexpected swell of emotion, a lump in your throat, a flush of anger... just notice. IF it doesn't bring a bigger trauma response, notice where in your body you feel it. Gently notice it.
Remove yourself from the emotional trigger. If this is the news, a movie, or social media, turn it off or leave the room. If it is a conversation with a spouse, family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, or boss, step away when you can safely do so.
Note your level of emotional response... give it a number. Between the numbers 0 and 10, how intense is the feeling you have? If 0 is not feeling it at all, and 10 is fully immersed in the feeling, how would you rate it?
NOTE: if your response to this emotional trigger is too high, stop, step back from the work, and contact me to set up a session.
Know that what you are feeling, is your truth. Be honest with yourself about what you're feeling. Your emotions are your body's wisdom. Listen. Even if it's uncomfortable, or loud, or complicated, or seemingly "unacceptable"... what you are feeling, is your truth. No need to pretend you feel something else, find the silver lining, run away from it, push the it away, or try to replace it with “better” more “positive” emotions. Those will naturally come once you can feel all of what is asking to be felt.
Give your feeling a name and an origin. Dive in, feel into it, explore it, talk it out, write it down. Be entirely honest about what you feel. Your emotions can guide you if you listen. Get to the bottom of your truth. This might look like scheduling a session with me to get to the core of your issue through conversation and muscle testing, seeing a therapist, journaling, talking with a friend over coffee, or having a heart-to-heart with your dog. Name the feeling and if possible, the first time you felt it like you do right now. There is healing in naming your pain and the origin of it.
Tap to dissolve your emotional triggers. Accept your feelings as valid and true. Know that this is the truth of how you feel right now... and tap while focusing on the truth of exactly what it is that you feel. You may need to tap multiple rounds. If you find yourself too emotionally triggered, stop, step back from the work, and contact me to set up a session.
Today might be bringing up anxiety, fear, or even despair for you.
Please know that what you are feeling, is your truth.
What you feel is valid.
Even if you don't know why you're feeling what you feel.
Tapping to release an issue, doesn't mean you won’t ever be anxious, afraid, or feel hopeless again. But rather that these feelings will be of the current moment, and they can share their wisdom as they process through your system.
Today, you might also need a very real reminder that you’re not alone.
That we are, in fact, a we.
A collective.
And, I'm here if you need me.
Angela Hed Vincent (she/her), owner of True You Tapping, is an EFT Master Practitioner and Energy Medicine Practitioner.
She helps her clients honor and release emotional trauma and energetic density, using their biggest challenges as catalysts for transformation, so they can more fully embody the truth of who they are and the unique purposes they are here to fulfill.
Interested in working with Angela? You can book a one-on-one session or schedule a free check-in to chat about an issue you'd like to get her eyes on.
Angela introduces something new to the world of wellness and transformation. She has developed a unique approach to burnout recovery and intuitive development, and continues to create innovative programs to help people find their balance in various aspects of life.